As part of the Early Years Foundation stage, we are required to have a variety of policies covering Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity and Safeguarding to name but a few. From May 2018, a new Privacy policy comes into force detailing exactly what data the nursery holds for individuals - from children to parents and staff - and how it is protected. This brings the nursery in line with the New General Data Protection Regulation.
From September 2014, following a change in government legislation, the nursery has published its 'Local Offer'. This is a document which sets out what services Jigsaw can offer to a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Alongside these policies, we have procedures covering settling in, food and drink, mobile phone usage, outings, administration of medication and accident procedures. We have a Complaints procedure which is published. We believe that children and parents are entitled to receive prompt, careful attention to any concerns they may have.
We give careful consideration to any concerns and anticipate that most will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to Belinda. If a parent is dissatisfied with the outcome of a concern/complaint, the nursery's governing body OFSTED can be contacted for further mediation. All policies and procedures are available at the nursery if parents wish to read them